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About Us


What gets us out of bed in the morning ...

 Being a  Mischievous Rebel

As frondeurs that do not take themselves seriously,

coming with questions rather than answers.


Inspired by creative chaos & uncharted territories,

exploring futuristic silhouettes and textures.


Turning heads and shifting hearts.


 Sharing Savoir Faire


  Sustainability questioning the textile industry:

All fabric comes from dead stock

On demand production with love and attention


 High End Quality Standards:

100% sourced and created in France

Love for noble material such as silk or leather

Designed in Paris



All garments are created to live a life of their own and mix & match



Thriving  for Elegance

   In the eternal pursuit of the feminine, a will to reveal just enough,

dancing with the woman’s silhouette

and her mysterious aspects.



Born in the USA from French parents and having spent most of her life in Belgium, Elise had the opportunity to travel and immerse in multi-cultural environments.



Passionate about life and creativity, she understood during her bachelor at Esmod Paris that technique is key to better express her ideas. Having appreciated and learned much from her time in Haute Couture houses such as Balmain and Alexandre Vauthier, she decided to throw herself in the pond and share with the world her vision.  Calling on her tenacious and creative personality Elise took upon herself in February 2022 to create a first collection.


Inspired by creative chaos and uncharted territories, she explores volumes and new possibilities for body expression. Inspired by her travels , nature and popular culture she finds inspiration all around her.


Her objective is to offer an elegant, sophisticated, provoking and modern way to dress women, interrogation our future. All of this done in a sustainable way for our planet and the fashion industry, from dead stock fabric to a peaceful and comfortable work ethic for all of her future employees and collaborators.

Bringing with her passion, creativity with a sense for details,

leadership and intensity.

Who is Elise M ...

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